Annual Report of the Judiciary of Trinidad and Tobago 2012-2013 Annual Report 2012-2013 | Page 9

Notwithstanding, the implementation of the strategies must consider the critical risks and obstacles that lie ahead but which must be managed. These include the Judiciary’s ability to recruit and retain the necessary competencies for executing the organisation’s strategy, as well as the capacity and autonomy for managing its own lawfully appropriated resources. These risks for the most part are based on externally dependent governance structures that are not always aligned with the needs of the organisation, and which have and will continue to affect the Judiciary’s ability to achieve its mission. The work undertaken during the year under review also involved a concentrated effort with the Ministry of Public Administration, the office of the Chief Personnel Officer, the Department of Personnel Administration, the Public Management Consulting Division, and the Public Sector Transformation Division to bring these issues to light, and propose solutions. In this regard, the Judiciary has taken the initiative to develop a position paper entitled “Modernising Judiciary Governance, Organizational Structure and Staffing for better Administration of Justice”, which speaks to the critical issues of judicial reform, gover ??6R??&?W"f?&6R??B6??vR??vV?V?B?B?2??VBF?BF??2&??B7FWv???&VF?R??FV?FVB&V?Vf?G2f?"F?P??F???2v???R??BF?RV????VW2?bF?R?VF?6?'?v??v???&P?&WV?&VBF?&R'B?B&6V??bF??2G&?6f?&?F?????f?"&6??P?6??Vb?W7F?6R?bF?R&WV&?2?bG&???FB?BF?&v???F?R????W&&?RF?R6??Vb?W7F?6R?"?W7F?6R?f?"&6??R&V6V?fVBF?R6?V?G'?( ?2??v?W7B?F????v&B??F?R?&FW"?bF?R&WV&?2?bG&???FB?BF?&v???VwW7B#2???2W?6V??V?7?F?R&W6?FV?@??"?F????6&????42???7FVB7V6??gV?7F?????F?&v?GW&??rv??6?F?R6??fW'&?v2?FR????F?&?fR???2W?6V??V?7?F?R&W6?FV?B??VgB?&W6V?G2F?R????W&&?RF?R6??Vb?W7F?6Rv?F?F?P?6?FF???2?R6??w&GV?FW2????B6V?G&R?2?2W7F?W"F??V??fW'????6V7&WF'?F???2W?6V??V?7???p??&W6???rF?P???VF?6?'??FV?F?G???