Annual Report | Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua 2018 | Page 17
Ken and Terry Casey
Jim and Dee Cayo
Marcia Chabot
Jennifer Chalupsky
Rick and Darlene Charboneau
Kit Chase
Bill and Bev Childs
Jess Christensen
Ben Cleaveland
Thomas Clusiau
Jeanine Connell
Jennifer Cook
Mary Coon
Jolene Cooper
RB and KL Cornwall
Mark Corzine
Christine Cox
Patricia Crelan
Damien Cronin
John Cronkrite
Jim and Julie Crowell
Marylou Cunningham
Doug and Joan Cybela
Kristin Dahl
Peter and Linda Dahm
Laurie and Steve Daiken
Ross Darst
Janice Davis
David and Mary Day
Paul and Terry Degroot
Erika de Lambert
Susan Denuccio
Turo Dexter
Mark Dipietro and Denise King
Robert Ditsch
John Donovan
Nancy Dooley
Martha Armstrong Dorau
Gingie and Andrew Doroschak
Michelle Dove
Ms. Drews
Gene and Marcia Drumm
Jerry and Sara Dubman
Adele and Daniel Duranso
Duffy and Tricia Duyfhuizen
Stig Edwardson
Alan and Lollie Eidsness
Beverly and Dave Emery
Mary Endorf
Larry and Dana Engberg
Jean and Wade Engebretson
Marcia Engebretson and Jane Bidwell
Jeanne Engle
Denny Erardi
Chris Erickson
Liisa Eyerly
Lee Fabel, in Memory of
Mary Ann Fabel
Mary Fairbanks
Peggy and Bill Falkenstein
Kenneth and Sharon Farrey
Tim Fehrenbach
Kolleen and Fran Felber
Julie and John Fellegy
Catherine Fisher
Ron and Beth Fisher
Toni Fladmark
Daniel Flaherty
Craig Florine
Russ and Linda Forbess
Richard and Kimberly Ford
Shelley Fand Ronald Fox
Bonnie and Jack Franzen
Chris Frasch
D.E.F. and E.W.F.
Julie Fricke
Jenni and Dick Froemming
Roy Froemming
Bill and Linda Frogner
Laura and Rick Fuhrman
Kathy and Joel Furda
Bill and Marilyn Gabert
Thomas and Karen Gabert
Brent Galbreth
and Jessica Ehlers Galbreth
Jenna Galegher Kulenkamp
Jeffery Garrett
Linda Marie Garrity
Erin Geary
David and Holly George
John and Susan Gerzina
Dean and Sharon Gilles
Robert Gindt
Todd and Audrey Hansen
Katherine M Hanten
Adele Hartwick
Carol Hassemer
Shelley Hauck
Susan Hayden
Susan Hedman
Thomas Heeg
Janine and Tom Heffelfinger
Marla Hemke
Kevin and Virginia Hendricks
Mike Hepp and LeAnn Taylor
Bruce Herling
In Memory of Mervin E. Hites
Becky and Kevin Hoehn
Chip Hoffman and Marcia Reed
Cindy and Thomas Holloway
Patra Holter
Mark and Anne Hooley
of 2018 Annual Fund donors
made gifts of $130 or less,
Buck and Dotty Gooding
Claudia and Alex Gordon
William and Marilyn Gorham
Owen and Wendy Gorman
Kim Gralewski
Donald Grant
Deb and Mike Griffith
Mike and Helen Grossman
Carrie Grove
Curtis and Laura Lee Gullickson
Ron and Jenny Gullicksrud
Garry and Karen Gundelach
Tracey Gundersen
Carol Gunnare
Julie and Rocky Gust
Kristie Gustafson
Bruce Hackel
Larry and Donna Haldeman
Michael and Mary Hall
Robert and Mary Jo Hallfeld
Carol Hanchett-Card
Gerald Hansen
Guy and Carole Hansen
Tim and Linda Hansen, in Memory
of Marta Claire
Mark and Valerie Hooper
Therese House
Denise and Steve Hunnicutt
Mary and Gary Huss
Intel Corporation
Julie Isaksen
Dennis and Sue Isernhagen
Barb and Steve Janotta
Mark and Michaelene Jansen
Heidi Jarecki and Robert Murphy,
in Memory of Lillian Newman
Julie Jensen
Mark Jerabek
Edsel Johnson
Jay and Margie Johnson
Kenneth Johnson
Mary Bowman Johnson
Dr. Michael Johnson
Tom Johnson
Tom and Patty Johnson
Travis and Elizabeth Johnson
Wendee and Chuck Jones
Melissa Jurgensmier
Robb and Mary Jung, Loon Saloon
Ray and Mary Kacvinsky
Rick Kantola
Pam Kaufman
and Dennis Keierleber
Glen Kimmel
Dan and Sally King
Jack and Marsha Klein
Bill and Margie Klingbeil
Paul and Rosanne Knower
Gary and Mae Knowles
Jean and Eric Knox
Jessica Lynn Biswell Knox,
in Memory of Joshua H. Munter
Pamela Koehler
Dr. A.A. Koeller
Keith Koenning and Patricia Murphy
Christine and David Kohl
Mark and Doreen Kohler
Mary Konop
Mark and Kaye Koxlien
Eric Kramer and Jill Rubel
Peter Kramp
Linda and Larry Kraus
Ginny Kremer,
in Memory of Lloyd Sellung
Katie Kretschman
Ken and Mary Eder Kreye
John Kroening
Sherry Lynn Kropidlowski
Alyssa and Jessie Krueger
Judy Krueger
Cathy and Charlie Krula
Heather Krumnow-Hueholt
Lois Kuhlke
In Memory of Richard "Dick" Kuhns
Linda Kulbeck, in Memory of Al
Gerry Kummer
Denny and Judy Kurschner
Lynn Kurth
Raulf and Kris LaMarche
Jeff and Paula Land
Cynthia Landon
Kathly and Thomas Lange
Dale Langer
Tim Langguth
Lindsey Lapointe
Marilyn June Laporte
Gary Larson
Jean and Mark Ledman
Wendy and Gordon Legge
Nancy Lehman
Mike and Jill Lehmann
Rebecca Lehto
Barb and Dick Lemanskiz
Cynthia Lent
Debra and Jeffrey Lewis
Mark and Suzie Libbey
Tina Licari and Steve Foltz
Julie Light
David and Carol Lindner,
in Honor of Terry Matier
Robert Lindquist
Kathy and Dave Linklater
Lynn and Sandra Linton
Judy and George Lipscomb
Susan Loeffler
Lee and Ione Loerch
Orrie and Mary Lokken
Dave and Faye Ludens, in Memory
of J.D. Kautzer
Bernie Luedtke
Philip Luell
Alfred Lupien
Darlene MacBride
and John Widdifield
Lori MacKowiak
Jody Maier
Jan and Dan Malaney
Harry Malcolm
Doug and Mary Malinsky
Reid and Jeanne Mandel
Mark and Brenda Mantey
Ann Martin
Bernadette Martin
Daniel Martin
Donna Martin
Jay and Beverly Martinson
Jeanne Matchefts
and Daniel Bormann
Sarah Mather
Roberta and William May
Jerry and Priscilla Mayersak
Joe McCartin
Suzee McDonald
Larry and Marge McFarlane
John and Debra McGuire
Kathy and Pat McIntyre
Wayne and Betty McKinnis
Mike McNulty
John and Patty Meade
Vicky Mecl
In Memory of Carol J. Melin
Doug Mell and Sue Kittelson