Annual Report | Lake Superior Big Top Chautauqua 2018 | Page 14
The KEEPERS are a group of fun-loving individuals who value the presence of music,
arts, and culture in the Northwoods. Funds supplied by The KEEPERS are reserved
for long-term and facility needs, providing the support needed to take Big Top into
its exciting future. The KEEPERS will help ensure that Big Top remains a beacon of
inspiration for this generation and the next.
CAPTAINS $ 10,000+
Don and Abby Funk
Kimberly and Quito Rymer
KEEPERS $ 2,000+
Fred Bartlett
Mark and Kate Bugher
Tim and Stephanie Eldredge
Ruth and Bruce Goetz
Sheldon and Peggy Goldberg
Jim and Susan Gould
Rob and Elke Hagge
Ron Harrold
Craig and Anita Haukaas
Bill and Marilyn Hopper
Kevin Hunt
Patrick and Mary Lou Irvine
WICKIES $ 1,000+
Charles and Peg Bertel
Joan and Doug Borcherdt
Judy Farling
Bill Kacvinsky
John and Lynda Kern
BEACONS $ 5,000+
Beth and Jim Hagstrom
Larry and Barbara Hendrickson
Todd Jodarski and Pamela Henry
Keith Kylmala
Ted and Dawn Michael
Kim and Derek Ogle
Christopher and Bethany Owen
Jim and Joy Perry
John R. Raitt
Mary H. Rice
Pete and Sara Richter
Bob Schuning and Mary Ellen Stewart
Leo and Chris Stern
Bill and Marilyn Van Sant
Terry and Stephen Matier
John and Barbara McFarland
Timothy Pretzsch and Dona Miller
Jeff Moberg
Kevin and Sjana Schanning
Mary and Greg Pearlman
Gennifer Reed
2018/2019Donors through April 1, 2019
L a k e S u p e r i o r B i g To p C h a u t a u q u a