Dr. Jody L. Alexander
Ms. Mary Ellen Barrett
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas R. Becker
Mrs. Ann E. Berlam
Mary Duke Blouin Revocable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Bray
Mr. & Mrs. Dennis C. Brown
Mr. Cornelius P. Cacho
Mr. Robert C. Carroll
Lois M. & Philip S. Cohen Family
Philanthropic Fund of the Jewish
Federation of Cincinnati
Crnkovich Fund at the Dayton
Foundation Depository, Inc.
Mrs. Sheilah M. Crowley
Mr. Peter A. Cullman
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas F. Decker
Mr. & Mrs. Edward L. Delahanty
Mr. & Mrs. James F. Derham
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Eskra
Mr. & Mrs. Garry Evans
Mr. & Mrs. Robert S. Evans
Federal Signal
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene U. Frey
Mr. & Mrs. Robert B. Gable
Mr. & Mrs. L. Scott George
Golden Circle Business Solutions
dba Portico HR
Mr. & Mrs. Donald L. Grandi
Drs. Jeffrey & Donna Green
Ms. Kate C. Henry
Dr. Mana P. Holtz
William B. Hopke, Jr. Revocable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Alan M. Horton
Ms. Sheila Jensen
Rev. Dr. Kathleen L. Kircher
Mr. & Mrs. John H. Kolmer, Jr.
Mr. Lucious Lackore
Mr. & Mrs. William Laimbeer, Sr.
Mr. & Mrs. Peter L. Manion
Constance A. Messner Trust
Mr. Richard W. Miller
John A. Mullenmaster Charitable
Remainder Unitrust
Mr. & Mrs. J. Richard Munro
Mr. Tye J. Nordberg
Mr. & Mrs. A. Edward Owen
Raymond F. Pieper Trust
Mr. F. Verne Powell
Mr. & Mrs. George M. Powell
Mr. & Mrs. Michael V. Reagen
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur J. Reiber, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. E. David Rollert
Mr. & Mrs. David J. Ryan
Mr. Ned R. Sachs
Mr. & Mrs. Ronald R. Schneider
Shannon Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Dale E. Shaw
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry R. Sprague
Mrs. Sandra L. Sprague
Standard Motor Products, Inc.
Ms. Sandra Steele
Jack W. Thompson Charitable
Lead Annuity Trusts
Mr. & Mrs. David C. Travis
Mr. Robert S. Troth
Ms. Mary Lee Turk
Varga Signs & Decorative Arts
Mr. & Mrs. Robert M. Walker
Mr. & Mrs. Richard V. Washburn
Mr. & Mrs. Gordon R. Watson
Ms. Emily Watt
Mr. & Mrs. Harold L. Zink
Abbot Downing
Mrs. Virginia Jean Ackerman
Akerman Senterfitt
Ms. Liz Allbritten
Mrs. Theresa M. Anderson
Ms. Kay Andrews
Anonymous Donor
Mr. & Mrs. John Aymar
Anne W. Baldwin Revocable Trust
Mr. & Mrs. James N. Barton
Albert J. Basl, TTEE
Mrs. Diane Bedran
Ron & Jean Bell Family Trust
Mrs. Jane P. Berger
Mrs. Ann E. Berlam
Mr. & Mrs. G. J. Biernesser
Mrs. Jane Billings
Mrs. Dolly Bodick
Bond, Schoeneck & King, PLLC
Richard & Jane Borchers Family Fund
of the Minneapolis Foundation
Ms. Heather Borelli
Mr. & Mrs. Gary Boros
Mr. & Mrs. Christopher P. Bray
Mr. & Mrs. Jerry Briant
The Bristol-Myers Squibb Foundation
Mr. William F. Brock
Cornelius P. Cacho Revocable Trust
Ms. Susan Calkins
Callow Revocable Trust
Campbell Family Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Charles Campbell
Rev. Stephanie Campbell
Ms. Kelly Capolino
Ms. Lorraine A. Carlson
Mrs. Patricia B. Carpenter
Mrs. Marcia C. Carthaus
CAS Advisory Management, LLC
Cheng Management Co., LLC
Mrs. Beverly Cherry
Mr. & Mrs. William E. Chipman
Mr. & Mrs. Samuel Cooley
Ms. Joyce T. Coughlan
Cox & Carlson, PL
Mr. & Mrs. Peter A. Cullman
Mr. Gordon Demaine
The Dickson Family Gift Fund
of the Schwab Charitable Fund
Ms. Jane K. Doherty
Ms. Karen Elliott
Ms. Rae Ann Enders
Mr. & Mrs. Brad Estes
Mr. & Mrs. Larry Fagan
Mrs. Audrey Fenton
Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Ferraina
FineMark National Bank and Trust
Ms. Kathleen Flynn Fox
Mr. & Mrs. Terrance R. Flynn
Orville W. Forte, Jr., TTEE
Mr. & Mrs. Eugene U. Frey
Mr. & Mrs. J. Craig Fuehrer
Mrs. Lydia Galton
Mrs. Lavern N. Gaynor
GE Foundation
Mrs. Dottie A. Gerrity
Mr. & Mrs. James R. Gibson, Jr.
Mr. & Mrs. Thomas D. Gleason
Mr. & Mrs. J. Dudley Goodlette
Ms. Meghan Gorman
Dorothee D. Grant
Charitable Remainder Trust
Mr. & Mrs. Jan K. Guben
Gulfshore Insurance, Inc.
Hahn Loeser & Parks, LLP
Katherine L. Hall Trust
Mrs. Gwenda W. Hanson
Harmon-Meek Gallery
Mr. & Mrs. Frank M. Harris
Ms. Kate C. Henry
Elma Mae Hoffman Revocable Trust
Dr. Mana P. Holtz
Ms. E. Sue Huff
Hughes McGrath, Inc.
Mrs. Laura E. Ingraham
Mr. Thomas E. Ingram
Mrs. Emily James
John F. & Virginia K. Johnson Family Fund
of the Ayco Charitable Foundation
Mrs. Judy Jorgensen
JPMorgan Chase Foundation
As we express our gratitude, we must never
forget that the highest appreciation is not to utter
words, but to live by them.” French Proverb Quote
Carleton A. Cleveland, Jr. Trust
Close Friend Foundation
Coffin Family Fund of the
Fidelity Charitable Gift Fund
Nancy B. & Howard K. Cohen
Charitable Fund of the Baltimore
Community Foundation
Mr. & Mrs. Stefan J. Contorno
Community Foundation of Collier County |
Dr. & Mrs. Jeffrey A. Kahn
Mr. & Mrs. Jan F. Kantor
Ms. Judith B. Kaufman
Mr. Patrick E. Keesler
& Ms. Eileen Connolly-Keesler
Margaret A. Kennerly Revocable Trust
Mr. Charles A. Kerwood, III
Rev. Dr. Kathleen L. Kircher