Ensuring Ontarians are receiving care from qualified professionals
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Ensuring Ontarians are receiving care from qualified professionals
In 2023 , CPSO registered 7,396 new doctors , the most ever in our history . This brought the number of active physicians in Ontario to 35,665 – an increase of more than 1,000 physicians from 2022 .
As a measure to relieve some of the human resources constraints on the system , CPSO continues efforts to revise processes and policies to expand opportunities for physicians to practise independently in Ontario .
The following regulatory changes and policies were approved by the Board of Directors in 2023 :
At the request of the Government of Ontario , CPSO developed amendments that allowed us to set out a new Emergency Circumstances Practice registration class . The regulation grants the Board of Directors the power to determine when emergency circumstances exist , taking into consideration whether it is in the public interest to make the class of registration available .
We removed the barrier of supervision and assessment requirements for U . S . board-certified physicians which enabled them to begin practising in Ontario independently in their scope of practice . In addition , a new pathway was created for U . S . physicians who completed their residency training within the last five years and are eligible for their relevant board examinations . These physicians will be recognized as specialists in Ontario as a result of changes to another registration policy .
We removed the existing requirements of supervision and assessment for physicians who received certification without examination by the College of Family Physicians of Canada ( CFPC ) based on their certification in family medicine in an approved jurisdiction . This change grants registrants a certificate of registration to practise independently in their scope .
Our Acceptable Qualifying Examinations policy was amended to provide an alternative to the requirement of the successful completion of the Licentiate of the Medical Council of Canada ( LMCC ) without additional requirements such as supervision , assessment and additional examinations .
We supported an initiative to help qualified