Annual Report 2021 | Page 35

Continuous Improvement

Governance Modernization , Red Tape Reduction
A Council Profile , which outlines the technical skills , knowledge , experience , and diversity
CPSO ’ s recommendations included :
attributes that Council members are expected to
Allow CPSO to make rules relating to its core
A key priority for CPSO this past year has been
possess collectively
modernizing and strengthening its internal
governance structures and processes within the
A cooling off period that must be observed
Expand CPSO ’ s discretion to investigate
current paraments of our legislative and regulatory
before candidates can be eligible to run in the
framework .
Streamline the handling of frivolous and
Term limits came into effect across CPSO
A mandatory orientation that nominees must
vexatious complaints
Committees beginning in December 2020 . There
complete prior to running in the election
was a smooth transition of all members across
Enable CPSO to share information with hospitals
Committees who were affected by term limits .
Refinements to the Council elections eligibility
We continued to make enhancements and
criteria that are reflective of good governance
Clarify the application of the Mental Health Act
improvements to the succession planning process
in CPSO hearings
to ensure that Committees remain stable and can
continue functioning effectively to carry out their
In 2021 , following a request from government , CPSO
Reduce CPSO Council to a maximum size of 12
mandates .
Council also approved a package of suggested
changes regarding governance modernization and
Implement a competency-based selection
Photo : Claudia Hung
Perhaps the most notable accomplishment for the
Governance Committee was its commitment to
championing several changes that were required
for CPSO to be compliant with the requirements set
out in the Ministry of Health ’ s College Performance
Measurement Framework . These include but are not
limited to :
red-tape reduction , which would be achieved through amendments to the Regulated Health Professions Act ( RHPA ) and Medicine Act .
These changes , if brought forward by government , would allow CPSO to achieve its vision of modernization , efficiency , and excellence .
process for CPSO Council
Separate the membership of Council and statutory committees