Physician Assistants |
2021 saw another first for us here at CPSO : |
legislation passed that once enacted , would see |
CPSO add a new class of member , physician |
assistants ( PAs ), to our regulatory jurisdiction . This |
change , brought about by provincial legislation , |
will make us the fourth province to have its PAs |
regulated by the medical regulator , following in the |
steps of Manitoba , New Brunswick , and Alberta . |
The work of bringing in a new class of member |
is substantial , and is dependent on government ’ s |
enactment of the legislative framework . To expedite |
the process and improve consistency across |
jurisdictions , CPSO will look to the practices of |
the other colleges that currently regulate PAs and , |
wherever possible , seek to align our standards and |
approach . |
Interprofessional Collaboration |
CPSO strongly believes that physicians deliver the highest quality of care when working effectively with |
Citizen Advisory Group |
Recognizing the importance that a multidisciplinary team-based approach plays in the delivery of quality health care , the College Council approved a statement of support for interprofessional collaboration . This statement replaces three separate statements specific to nurse practitioners , midwives , and pharmacists . |
health-care professionals from different disciplines , including those they work with most , such as midwives , pharmacists , and nurses of all classes . Physicians have a responsibility to collaborate with all health-care professionals , and CPSO is committed to serving the public interest by working with other regulators to support and promote these relationships . |
We continue our role as Chair of the Citizen Advisory Group , supporting meaningful engagement with patients and caregivers for 21 health regulatory colleges . |
Photo : iStockphoto . com |