Quality Care 2021 tired , overworked and on the brink of burnout . But this deadly virus saw new stressors for front-line workers .
There is no doubt that the pandemic is compounding the issue of physician burnout , especially for those doctors involved in acute care . A report from the Ontario Medical Association made clear how pressing the situation has become . Almost threequarters ( 72.9 percent ) of physicians surveyed said they experienced some level of burnout in 2021 , up from 66 percent the previous year . Just over one-third ( 34.6 percent ) reported either persistent symptoms of burnout or feeling completely burned out in 2021 , up from 29 percent in 2020 .
In 2021 , we collaborated with the Canadian Medical Protective Association , and the Physician Health Program of the Ontario Medical Association to explore opportunities for improving the awareness of physician distress , both within and across the boundaries of our respective organizations . We have a shared interest in recognizing a physician in distress or at risk and ensuring seamless connections to timely support . We are committed to the collaborative exploration of opportunities to improve the awareness of physician distress and have made physician burnout a top priority for 2022 .
Virtual Care : A Recalibration
The pandemic significantly changed how physicians delivered care and at the beginning of the pandemic , physicians were encouraged by public health officials to use a virtual care “ first ” approach . Our guidance signaled that given the broad need and extraordinary context , physicians may need to provide virtual care in instances when they would previously have not .
As the pressures that led to prioritizing the adoption of virtual care over in-person care diminished , many physicians recalibrated and resumed seeing more patients in person .
To support that recalibration effort , we updated our guidance and communicated with the profession . Eventually , it became clear that access to appropriate in-person care was still compromised for some patients . This led us to work with the Chief Medical Officer of Health and the Ministry of Health to develop a statement reminding physicians that limits exist to what can be done virtually and patients need to have access to in-person care , where it ’ s needed .
CPSO ’ s Advancement of Quality Care in 2021 :
Engaged more than 70 Out of Hospital Premises in assessments .
Engaged more than 70 Independent Health Facilities in assessments .
Engaged 2500 physicians in our Quality Improvement for Individuals Program
Signed on more than 20 hospitals for the Partnership Program
Assessed 637 Physicians over the age of 70
Communicated the expectation that when physicians depart from conventional medicine , their practice must continue to be informed by sound clinical reasoning , and ensure patient risk does not outweigh potential benefit .
Provided guidance on the issue of patient consent regarding the participation of undergraduate medical students in their care .