Right-Touch Regulation 2021
Target Achieved !
Discipline Cases Completed
12 Weeks
Discipline Decision Release Time
Early Resolution
One of the biggest gains in realizing greater efficiency in our processes is by managing more low-risk matters in one of the early resolution streams .
In June 2018 , only 16 % of cases ended in early resolution ; by the end of 2021 47 % of cases were managed using early resolution . This shift allows us to take a more proportionate approach to the complaints brought to us .
Our Courtesy Call initiative is an example of a more proportionate approach . The practice is simple and straightforward - when we receive a low-risk , non-clinical concern from a patient , we will make a courtesy call to the physician . CPSO made 918 courtesy calls to physicians in 2021 , which covered such issues as a rushed appointment , a disconnect / communication failure , or a receptionist who isn ’ t wearing a mask properly . Both doctors and patients have appreciated the personal touch of these calls , and how they have prevented minor issues from escalating into formal complaints and investigations by CPSO . This , in turn , frees up our resources to tackle higher-risk concerns – a win-win for everyone , and for public safety .
Our commitment to contacting a complainant within two business days of receipt of a complaint also allows an opportunity to resolve a low-level issue early . When we contact the complainant , we listen to their concerns , and answer any questions they may have . Following these conversations , the issues are often clarified and resolved and in such situations , the complainant often withdraws their complaint .
Our Alternative Dispute Resolution ( ADR ) process , one of the early resolution options , had its third full year of operation in 2021 and members of the public and physicians who participate in the process continue to give it positive feedback . Much quicker than a formal investigation , ADR sees complainants and doctors arrive at an outcome together , with a mediator ’ s help , rather than waiting on a committee decision . Working with the complainant and physician to resolve low level concerns is an example of applying the principles of Right-Touch Regulation to complaints .
These early resolution options provide an opportunity to unburden the system , facilitate matters more efficiently and increase both complainant and physician satisfaction with the College ’ s process . Significantly , they allow us to focus more of our resources on high-risk matters , again using the principles of Right-Touch Regulation to identify risk appropriately to better protect patients .