Annual Report 2021 - 2022 | Page 2

When we started Classroom of Hope, we set out to tackle a single, significant issue: the global education crisis. Year after year, as our understanding developed and our capacity grew, we expanded and adjusted our programs to have the best possible impact on students.

Providing students with access to quality education is at the heart of Classroom of Hope's mission, and it will continue to be a core focus of our organisation for years to come. Our latest programs, Block Schools and Block Homes, will allow us to continue our work in education while expanding our vision to include tackling the plastic and climate crises and providing people with access to safe and secure homes.

After building the world's first Block School in FY 21, we knew undoubtedly that we wanted to construct schools and homes using Block Solutions technology moving forward. During FY 22, we built five more schools using this innovative technology and built two Block Homes for families who lost their houses in the 2018 earthquakes. These first schools and homes have proven the concept to the Indonesian government, which has since endorsed the building of Asia’s first Block Solutions factory.

Asia’s first Block Solutions factory is currently being built in Lombok, Indonesia, and will begin producing Blocks in June 2023. Until the factory is complete, Blocks will be produced from a testing facility in Jakarta, which will allow us to continue our work toward building 200 Block Schools in Lombok and will also allow our local partner to continue to build capacity with contractors. When the factory is complete, our Block Homes Program will officially launch to build 4,000 homes in Lombok using Indonesia’s recycled plastic waste.

We are proud to be pioneering this innovative technology and transitioning it into Indonesia to efficiently build schools and homes that will last 100 years, are earthquake-resistant and durable, and clean up Indonesia’s plastic waste in a circular economy approach. The impact this product will deliver in Lombok, Indonesia, will be the catalyst for Block Technology to expand across the entire Asia Pacific region. This program is the first of its kind and will create a path toward exponential social and environmental impact.

We are entering an exciting chapter at Classroom of Hope. A chapter we could not have possibly reached without the unwavering commitment and support of our team, board, partners, and donor community.

A Letter from our Founders

Duncan Ward


Nicola Courtin

Founder/Creative Director