Annual Report 2020 | Page 18

Headingley Grand Trunk Trail
In spite of the restrictions imposed due to Covid 19 , the Headingley Grand Trunk Trail welcomed the most visitors ever in 2020 . From January to December there were hundreds of people on the trail walking , bicycling , running and geo-caching . Support from the RM of Headingley and the TCT Seasonal Grant allowed portions of the trail to be plowed , creating greater access during the winter months . Ongoing support from the Trans Canada Trail supported signage and winter / spring clean up . We also appreciated the support from The Trans Canada Trail and Winnipeg Trails in helping to “ spread the word ” about the projects . Although the annual program activities had to be cancelled , the Board was busy with the following projects :
Adopt a Bluebird Box Project
Blue bird boxes were built and installed in ten locations along the trail in 2015 . The bluebird boxes on the Headingly Grand Trunk Trail have been placed on tall metal poles to prevent squirrels and cats from climbing and harming the birds . They generally all point in an easterly direction as it has been found that the birds prefer this direction for their nests and it keeps the boxes away from the strong winds in our area . To date there have been four bluebird nests built and successfully fledged a family of wrens and many families of tree swallows . For 2020 the boxes were maintained and monitored by Board Members , but , there are plans to invite the public to “ Adopt a Bluebird Box ” in 2021 .
Prairie Restoration and Headingley Outdoor Recreation Development Plan
The remnant tall grass prairie along the trail has been designated as green space and the RM of Headingley is working with the Trail Board to ensure further protection of the area . We are developing a prairie restoration plan in consultation with Native Plant Solutions and Prairie Originals .
Bicycle Repair Station
A bicycle repair station was installed near the kiosk at the junction of Wescana St . and the trail .
In spite of challenges posed by pandemic restrictions , trail closures , and weather conditions , the Lac du Bonnet Trails Association made considerable progress on the Bluewater South section of The Great Trail in 2020 .
Treaty 3
Six updated discovery panels from TCT were replaced at Blueberry Rock and the Winnipeg River Bridge , and 26 new signs were installed . A trailhead structure with a detailed map was installed at the parking area on Old Pointe Road showing the area through the Lee River Trail , part of a Wildlife Management Area , as well as an animal-proof garbage can at this location .
In the spring there was some mowing , brushing , and culvert repair required on this section of trail . A grant from Trans Canada Trail for $ 1,000.00 allowed for grooming a section of the trail south of Tower Rd for cross-country skiing , and designation of the section of trail north of Tower Road for snowshoeing / hiking . This is the first year where the opportunity to designate such trail use increased the winter trail activity significantly .
Volunteer efforts at Blueberry Rock Park deserve special mention . The volunteers , with the first grant in 2000 , have continued as “ guardians ” of Blueberry Rock ever since . In 2020 , a partnership with Winnipeg River Recreation , the volunteers hosted a Family Fun Day on February 16 . In spite of the cold temperature , families came out to enjoy hiking , snowshoeing , a nature scavenger hunt , and cooking hot dogs and bannock over a fire . Volunteers from the Trails Association worked at the Lac du Bonnet Fishing Derby and spent 3 Saturdays at Mrs . Lucci ’ s second hand store . These two volunteer efforts are the main fundraising activities . The Lac du Bonnet Farmer ’ s Market on July 25 was an opportunity to promote the trails with a visual display , map brochures , recycling bags and shopping bags that were handed out to the public . Throughout the year , volunteers provided a wood box to keep cut wood stored and dry , cut dead trees and stacked the firewood for the fire pits , cleaned out the fire pits , dragged the access road to make it more accessible in winter and organized work parties to clean up two incidents of graffiti .
Blueberry Rock Trail was listed as one of the hikes in the Hike Manitoba publication by Jaime Manness . This acknowledgement gives volunteers encouragement and provides incentive to continue their efforts !
Annual Report-2020 Year in Review 18