Annual Report 2019 | Page 29

In 2019, the College modernized our approach to quality improvement by providing physicians with the tools they need to continuously assess and improve their practice. In transforming our program, we’ve moved from “a single point in time” assessment model to one that provides various opportunities for lifelong learning. It is an accessible quality improvement platform, reflective of the way physicians work and the needs they have. In developing this new program, the core principles were clear: Change the philosophy of assessment to focus on continuous improvement Make better use of technology by building a system that respects the way physicians practise medicine Strengthening practice with a proactive approach that facilitates interaction and selfreflection To make this possible, the CPSO created a new fully online platform where physicians participate in selfdirected quality improvement. In 2019, the Quality Assurance Committee and CPSO Council approved a pilot of the new QI program. The new program involved more than 200 Ontario physicians, who volunteered their time to test these new tools. Along the way, the volunteers developed a practice profile for themselves, took part in a selfguided chart review, and looked at data about their own practice to reflect on their delivery of health care. At the end of the pilot, more than 90% of these doctors completed the pilot by submitting a practice improvement plan. What’s more, at least 85% of them said that Quality Improvement program was a valuable exercise for learning and identifying areas for continuous improvement. The final version of the platform reflects the insights they provided on their user experience. The program launched in early March 2020. Throughout 2020, hundreds of physicians will complete the exercises and submit a practice improvement plan. This framework provides an opportunity for physicians to interact with the College as it pertains to quality improvement on a five-year cycle. WHAT WE HEARD “On the whole it was a very worthwhile experience and made me honestly reflect on my practice and future plans to practise safely. I would recommend it to anyone and would gladly partake again.” “Now that this is done, I would like to thank you for your responsiveness and the excellent service you personally provided.” “I am glad to be part of it; it was quite a learning experience with a great opportunity for self-reflection.” “It was quite insightful on ways that I could help myself as well as my patients.” “Helped me structure some of my goals and set timelines / develop strategies for changes so that they were more concrete, rather just ideas that have been floating around in the back of my head.” CPSO ANNUAL REPORT 2019 // 29