Right-Touch Regulation in Action in 2019
In 2019, right-touch regulation informed and
improved every aspect of the CPSO’s regulation,
including registration, investigations, quality
improvement and policy development. In embracing
the principles of the right-touch framework, we
realized new ways to improve the timeliness,
efficiency and effectiveness of all our work.
In evaluating risk, and being proportionate and
outcome-focused in our decision-making, our
new framework allowed us to be more nimble and
targeted in our approach to issues of public safety.
In adopting right-touch regulation, we are better
positioned to anticipate and respond to issues of
public protection and foster a stronger sense of
Early Resolution
One of the biggest gains in realizing greater
efficiency in our processes was by managing more
low-risk matters through early resolution. This
allowed us to take a more proportionate approach to
the complaints brought to us.
Our Alternative Dispute Resolution (ADR) process
had its first full year of operation in 2019. Much
quicker than a formal investigation, ADR sees
complainants and doctors arrive at an outcome
together, with a mediator’s help, rather than waiting
on a committee decision.
Bringing more of those types of cases, where
possible and appropriate, to an early resolution –
without need of a full investigation and committee
involvement – allows us to unburden the system,
facilitate matters more efficiently and increase both
complainant and physician satisfaction with the
College’s process. In fact, in using early resolution,
we were able close more complaints than we
received, reversing a long-time College pattern.
Practice Improvement
Our new Quality Improvement program, which
was developed and piloted in 2019, is a model for
proactive engagement with physicians throughout
their careers. In providing physicians with the
tools to direct their own learning and identify
Time to complete complaints
decreased by more than a third
Policies significantly cut in length –
some as much as 40%
More effective use of
Registration Committee’s time