The Ontario Fairness Commissioner
found that the CPSO’s registration
practices were:
The people of Ontario need to have confidence
and trust in the medical care that they receive. The
College works to maintain that trust by ensuring that
only qualified, competent and ethical physicians are
licensed to practise medicine in this province. Regulation; or
• The Registrar has doubts on reasonable grounds
whether the applicant fulfills the non-exemptible
requirements in the Regulation (requirements that
pertain to conduct, character and competence).
In 2018, we registered 5, 281 physicians to begin
practise in Ontario, the highest number of new
registrants in the College’s history. The Registration Committee, after considering
an application, may make an Order directing the
Registrar to issue a certificate of registration
prescribed in the Regulation, to issue a certificate of
registration with terms, conditions and limitations,
or to refuse to issue a certificate of registration.
When we receive an application for licensure, we look
at an applicant’s education, training and experience.
We also ensure there are no concerns about
behaviour, health or performance that could prevent
the physician from safely caring for patients.
Registration Committee Decisions in 2018
Applications Approved: 1,106
Applications Refused: 28
When an individual applies to the College for
registration, the Registrar has the following two
1. Register the applicant; or
2. Refer the application to the Registration
Committee for its consideration.
The referral to the Registration Committee may be
made for the following reasons:
• The applicant does not fulfill the registration
requirements (examinations) set out in the
Applications Deferred: 14
Withdrawn: 5
An applicant, who is dissatisfied with the
Registration Committee decision may appeal the
decision to the Health Professions Appeal and
Review Board (HPARB) and may request a written
review or an oral hearing. In 2018, 16 applicants
appealed the Registration Committee’s decision.
None of the applicants were successful in their
CPSO ANNUAL REPORT 2018 // page 8