Key Performance Indicators -
Appeals Fitness to Practise Committee
There has been a decrease in the number of
referrals to the Fitness to Practise Committee.
Although the Committee received seven referrals
in 2016, in 2017, it received two referrals, and it
received no referrals in 2018.
From May 2015 to 2018, 90% of decisions in
uncontested cases met the two month benchmark
and 65% of decisions in contested cases met the six
month benchmark. In 2018, the Divisional Court dismissed three
appeals by physicians for delay and six appeals by
physicians on substantive grounds (one physician’s
motion for leave to appeal to the Court of Appeal
is pending). The Divisional Court granted one
physician’s appeal of the Committee’s penalty
decision (College motion for leave to appeal to the
Court of Appeal denied) remitting the matter to the
committee for re-determination of penalty. In one
case, the Court of Appeal granted a physician’s
appeal of the Divisional Court’s decision and
restored the penalty decision of the Discipline
Committee. In 2019, the key performance indicators for
decisions will change to: As of December 31, 2018, seven appeals are
awaiting determination.
From May 2015 to 2018, there were two decision
1) 2 months from the last hearing date for decisions
in uncontested cases
2) 6 months from the last hearing date for decisions
in contested cases
The practice to resolve incapacity matters through
monitoring agreements continues. In 2018, three
matters were resolved and the referrals withdrawn.
1) 8 weeks from the last hearing date for decisions
in uncontested cases
2) 12 weeks from the last hearing or submission
date for decisions in contested cases
CPSO ANNUAL REPORT 2018 // page 18