Annual Report 2018-2019 | Page 26

Burdekin grower Pat Cremin with Dr Nathan Waltham ( TropWATER )
We invited water quality scientists from James Cook University ( JCU ) down to Lilliesmere Lagoon , Ayr to meet with local cane growers , as part of our Connecting Cane Farmers To Their Local Wetlands project . Principal Research Scientist Dr Nathan Waltham , and Scientist Dr Christina Buelow , both from JCU ’ s TropWATER , spent the morning answering questions about fish passage , waterway connectivity , nutrient levels and the damage caused by the invasive species , tilapia .
They also conducted a fish survey in the lagoon using their specially-equipped electrofishing boat , which delivers an electrical pulse into the water that temporarily stuns the fish . They were then netted and measured before being released back into the creek unharmed . Local cane and horticulture grower Pat Cremin said he appreciated the opportunity to chat with the TropWATER team :
“ Getting farmers and scientists together helps fill in knowledge gaps . I appreciated being able to ask questions and I also enjoyed watching the boat in action .”
Burdekin grower Pat Cremin
Left to Right : Frank Mugica ( grower ), Dr Nathan Waltham ( TropWATER ), Lisa Pulman ( former NQ Dry Tropics Project Officer ), Dr Christina Buelow ( TropWATER ), Pat Cremin ( grower ),
Graham Morris ( grower )