We supported land managers to conserve and protect threatened brigalow corridors , and the plants and animals living within them . Methods of protection included managing weeds and feral animals , and riparian fencing . Participating grazier John Heelan , of Pasha Station , said he was interested to learn more about the brigalow forest on his property . " We ' ve always been keen on our native environment so we ' re quite willing to control this area of brigalow and keep it going that way . We ' re not losing any production out of it – we can still graze cattle in here , and it ' s not having any impact on our financial operations whatsoever ,” he said .
Protecting Biodiversity Project Officer JJ Walker said brigalow corridors provided food and shelter for a variety of wildlife : “ Brigalow is home to birds , amphibians and mammals including a number of endangered species such as the ornamental snake , glossy-black cockatoo , painted honeyeater , spotted bowerbird and the rare pale imperial hairstreak butterfly . The aim of this project is to determine the best strategies for protecting both the habitat and the endangered species of the Brigalow Belt bioregion while maintaining production value ,” she said .
Project Officer JJ
Walker with ecologist
Chris Kahler