Public member
Joan Powell
In particular, the group was sensitive to
whether the expectations being developed
would contribute to physician burnout and
whether they were feasible in practice.
However, the Working Group members were
also committed to making sure that they
addressed issues or situations that can lead to
discontinuity and pose a risk to patient safety,
aiming to strike an appropriate balance.
When the Continuity of Care umbrella
draft policy and its four companion draft
policies were approved at May 2018 Council
for consultation, we understood that our
commitment to engage should only intensify.
In recognition of the breadth and scope of
this project, providing an ample opportunity to
respond to the draft expectations was critical.
We extended our usual 60 day consultation
period to six months to ensure that all
stakeholders could inform and contribute to
this important work.
As the consultation continues, we are planning
to do a Stakeholder Summit that will bring
together representatives from different
perspectives together in a one day conference.
We believe that people want and need to
participate in the decisions that affect them.
Our effort to engage will result in informed
expectations that are practical, relevant and
serve our mandate of protecting the public.
Fast Fact
The College was mentioned in 1,272 media articles in 2017.
CPSO ANNUAL REPORT 2017 // page 29