Annual Report 2017-2018 Annual Report_2018_single pages | Page 2

LEADERSHIP MESSAGE SkillsUSA Council continues to be a vital solution to our local economic and workforce challenges. At a time when opportunity for employment is critical, SkillsUSA Council is working to ensure students attending Career and Technical schools in Lehigh, Monroe, Northampton and Upper Bucks Counties are equipped with the skills to successfully enter the workforce. We began the 17-18 school year with The Elmer Gates Memorial Clay Shoot. The shoot held at Lehigh Valley Sporting Clays, honors Elmer’s legacy and welcomes District 11 students, Council Members, Board Members and Industry Partners for a morning filled with excitement at a unique and memorable outing. Next up was The Leadership by Example Award Breakfast honoring Luke Cunningham, past Chair of the SkillsUSA Council Board and President of West Side Hammer Electric. Community and Industry Involvement has always been a top priority to Luke. He is an exceptional role model, demonstrating to our students what true leadership is all about. Sandee and Dave Rinehart were also honored for their countless years as key volunteers for the District Championships Leadership Competitions. In November, students attended Ambassador Training and the Professional Development Conference held at Camelback. This conference is a vital solution to the growing skills gap and provides leadership, personal and workplace training so students graduate career ready. 36 Industry Trade Speakers also joined us for a portion of the conference and volunteered their time to discuss career opportunities with our students. District 11 Championships were bursting with energized students, generous and hardworking volunteers, and interested spectators. The event was a huge success with seven of our students advancing to the National Competition in Louisville Kentucky, with two receiving Silver Medals. In early May the first ever District 11 Signing Day event was held. Over 100 students were recognized for heading directly into the workforce with a full-time job secured in their trade, graduates attending post-secondary institutions to pursue studies related to their trade and those going into the Military. Finally, we honored 43 students for their scholastic achievement, community service, entrepreneurial spirit, and involvement in SkillsUSA at the Elmer Gates Enterprise Awards. In the pages that follow you will read more about these programs as well as some highlights of SkillsUSA Alumni and Council Members. The success of our organization is due in great part to the support of our donors, schools, instructors, Council Members, and Board. If you are not already actively involved I invite you to become more engaged with the many wonderful things happening at the Council. “Thank you” to all of our business and industry partners. Together we are building a better workforce! Katie L. Walter, Executive Director