Member Report
South Whiteshell Trail Association, SWTA
I continue to be inspired by the incredible commitment
of our SWTA Board Members and volunteers. We truly
have a beautiful trail system in the South Whiteshell
that continues to grow and improve. Last season we
faced challenging weather conditions; first with severe
forest fires,, then flooding and finally extreme winds which brought down hundreds of
trees throughout our area. MB Sustainable Development took on a leadership role in
coordinating trail reconstruction and repair and most of our trails are now in excellent
condition. These coordinated efforts were much appreciated. Here are some of the
highlights from the past year:
The Lost Lake Trail was completed
and now provides opportunities for
excellent hiking and intermediate
mountain bike cycling. This beautiful
wilderness trail connects the TCT
along Highway 44 with the Mantario
Trail, providing vistas of West Hawk Lake, Lost Lake and Caddy Lake, while
creating an interconnected system of trails in the area.
Our new Mountain Bike Trail Initiative continues to gain momentum. Trails
have been developed/improved on both the Five of Diamonds, (Falcon Trails
Resort) and Blue Highway sections of trail. Volunteers have played a significant
role and dedicated many
hours of hard work towards
developing and improving
these sections of trail. We
have applied for a grant to
MEC to further develop this
initiative and will find out
next month if we are successful.
(Continued on page 14)
Annual Report 2016-Trails Manitoba p.13