Student Services
College Bound Supports Employment and Career Services
Numerous resources are provided to assist students Students have access to employment and career services that meet
in pursuing their higher education goals including them wherever they are on their career journey. Students can meet
college/vocational training, career planning support, and one-on-one with career specialists for advising as well as attend
assistance in completing entrance requirements. The group workshops on soft skills such as professionalism, resume
Carlos Rosario School scholarship program offers more building and interviewing. Students can also access job placement
than 20 scholarships annually to students going on to services. Once students are placed in positions there are also
college and vocational training classes. retention follow-ups and support for those looking to be promoted
and take on new, more complex responsibilities. In the 2016-17 school
Photo: Scholarship Winner
Student Life Services
In order to provide holistic support to students,
year we expanded on our career training internship program to better
support those students looking to move in the high growth, high
demand industries of culinary arts and IT.
we partner with or refer students to more than
Photo: Career advising
70 community organizations including Greater
Washington Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, Clínica Leadership Development
del Pueblo, CentroNía, D.C. Bar Pro Bono Clinic, and The student government offers development
MPD Latino Liaison Unit. Through these organizations
opportunities and ways to give back to the community
we are able to provide services such as health
as well as the chance for students to act as liaisons
screenings, safety training, affordable housing
between their peers and school administrators.
workshops, and HIV testing.
Additionally, the School piloted a mentorship program
in the spring of 2017 for students transitioning to their
career and educational next steps.
Photo: Student Government Meeting
Community Engagement
The success of the Carlos Rosario School’s education model
Photo: Safety Workshop
lies in large part with the strength of our ties to the community.
Mental Health Counseling and Emergency Assistance
Giving back is a fundamental part of our mission, and a sense of
community pride is continuously fostered. Community engagement
Bilingual mental health counseling is also offered year round onsite
ranges from hosting citywide legal clinics and health care sign ups
by experienced licensed counselors. Additionally, case managers
to coordinating community clean up days and fundraising for local
help students with short term concerns such as temporary housing,
direct service organizations.
food, and transportation assistance.
Photo: Mental Health Information Table
Annual Report 2017
Photo: Peabody Street Fire Donations
Annual Report 2017