Foundational Literacy and Skills
Literacy and Language
Civic Engagement and Citizenship
Adult learner goals include gaining employment,
The citizenship class ensures eligible students will
advancing their careers, pursuing higher education,
be able to pass the official naturalization test with
advocating for personal and family needs and
confidence. It covers topics such as U.S. history, civics,
becoming more confident. Here teachers integrate life
the Constitution, the democratic process, and the
skills instruction into ESL classes, making instruction
rights and responsibilities of citizens. Beyond the class,
directly relevant to adult learner goals, helping students
principles of civic engagement are taught across the
achieve their goals more quickly than traditional ESL
curriculum and school-wide activities such as voter
classes. Literacy classes serve students who are
registration fairs, and new voter recognitions are key.
learning to read and write for the first time or who
have had limited schooling in their home countries.
They include additional language supports and more
individualized instruction. Pathway classes in health,
hospitality and math help prepare students for next
steps for their career and college journeys while
learning English.
English as a Second Language for Families
Through this program, the school partners with public
schools around Washington, D.C. to provide targeted
English classes to parents. Students learn basic English
grammar, speaking, and listening skills, while acquiring
the skills and resources to support their children’s
academic success.
GED (English and Spanish)
This program supports students whose goal is to obtain an official
high school credential through passing the official GED exam.
Students master high school academic content in order to pass
four rigorous GED sub exams: language arts, social studies,
science, and mathematics, many times progressing multiple grade
levels in one year. Students enter the GED Program with a wide
range of educational backgrounds. Through the Plaza Comunitaria
Carlos Rosario Program, students earn internationally recognized
elementary and middle school diplomas in Spanish thanks to a
partnership with the Mexican Consulate.
Arts and Culture
Through an innovative arts inte gration program students
learn key concepts such as higher-order thinking and critical
reasoning skills through visual and performing arts. These
activities engage student prior knowledge, bridge migration
experiences, give students new avenues of expression
Digital Literacy and Technology Essentials
and build cultural competencies. Additionally, students
celebrate their rich diversity through a variety of cultural
All language learning students attend computer-assisted labs weekly that use technology to aid students in events. Partnerships with organizations such as the Phillips
attaining learning goals. These labs also focus on digital literacy elements such as security, responsible social Collection, various Smithsonian museums and the Writers
media use, etc. For students looking to focus more on computer use, they can choose from Computer Literacy Center enhance student learning.
and Microsoft Office Application classes.
Annual Report 2017
Annual Report 2017