Three-Part Model of Adult Education
Workforce Development
The workforce development courses,
offered through three career training
academies, provide theoretical and hands-
on learning geared toward English language
learners. The courses teach students
technical 21 st century skills in three key
local high-growth, high-demand industries.
Advisory committees made up of industry
leaders meet regularly to provide guidance
on curriculum and program design and share
important industry developments. Each class
provides students with the skills to pass
an industry-essential certification key to
breaking into and advancing in their chosen
Photo: Culinary Arts Program
field. Courses are strengthened by field
Photo: Safety Workshop by the Metropolitan Police Department’s Latino Liaison Unit
experience opportunities and connections to
Foundational Literacy
and Skills
Student Services
industry leaders.
Adult learners often face a host of diverse
challenges related to health, labor rights,
The foundational literacy and skills
housing equity, and much more that
courses provide the building blocks for
threaten to interrupt their educational
a solid base aimed ultimately at career
goals. These experiences present a
development and advancement. Classes
unique set of needs that must be met
include practical context-based English
as well as assets to be leveraged. The
language and skills learning preparing
school’s model supports adult learner
students for everyday situations in the
persistence and achievement by working
U.S. Overall the curriculum encompasses:
in partnership with students to address
soft skills, health and wellness, consumer
these types of challenges. Highly-
education, parenting and family skills,
trained counselors and staff who have
math and technology concepts, digital
a deep understanding of the immigrant
literacy the rights and responsibilities of
experience provide supports that are
citizens, and multicultural awareness and
linguistically and culturally relevant.
Photo: ESL Health Class
Annual Report 2017
Photo: Job Readiness Workshop
Annual Report 2017