Annual Report 2015 | Page 26

Protecting and eMpowering Infection Control and Prevention The need for infection prevention and control measures in medical settings has probably never been more apparent to the public and to the profession than it is now. Experiences with Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome in 2003 and pandemic H1N1 virus in 2009, as well as high-profile cases related to inadequate sterilization and disinfection of medical equipment, have underscored the notion that every person is vulnerable if proper safeguards are not in place to prevent the transmission and acquisition of infection. The College has become involved in a variety of initiatives with stakeholders to improve infection prevention and control practices among physicians, most notably, with Public Health Ontario and public health units to raise awareness of the issues across the province. We have also provided additional training for our investigators and assessors and developed a checklist tool (click here) to be used in our facility based assessments. The 10 most common infection control deficiencies seen by CPSO 1 Failure to properly re-process instruments. 7 Failure  to engage a professional cleaning service.  2 Failure to use safety engineered syringes. 3 Re-use of one use items.  4 F ailure to have clear delineation between clean and dirty areas where re-processing occurs. 5 Improper waste disposal. 6 U  se of household cleaning agents rather than those suitable for a clinic setting. 26 8 Failure  to post universal hand washing and cough protocols where patients can see them. 9 No isolation area for patients identified with respiratory infections and other communicable diseases. 10 L ack of awareness of Infection Prevention and Control Guidelines. No Guide found in clinic. COLLEGE OF PHYSICIANS AND SURGEONS OF ONTARIO