We are redesigning the peer
assessment program to be:
urpose-driven to promote quality
onsistent i.e., ensure assessors
are consistent in decision-making;
ransparent i.e., any physician
can readily see how the peer
assessment program defines and
evaluates “quality”; and
elevant i.e., linked to other quality
Dr. Caroline Hamm is a Windsor internal medicine assessor with a focused practice on medical oncology/hematology in
Windsor. She is active in the peer assessment redesign currently underway.
photo: trevor booth photography
Facility-Based Assessments
quality within the context of peer assessment assures
that assessors provide physicians with relevant and
consistent feedback. As the majority of practices have
no significant gaps identified, this feedback can assist
the physician to improve their practice from “good” to
Before the new peer assessment tools and procedures
are implemented, physicians within each discipline will
have an opportunity to provide feedback on how quality
care is defined and evaluated within their practice area.
The peer redesign initiative will also link, where
possible, to CanMEDS. The CanMEDS framework
adopted by Council in 2015, describes the knowledge,
skills and attitudes that physicians need across seven
roles: Medical Expert, Communicator, Collaborator,
Manager/Leader, Health Advocate, Scholar, and
A significant proportion of medical procedures provided
in Ontario are now occurring outside of hospitals. The
College has played a lead role in both advocating for
systems of quality and oversight in the out-of-hospital
setting and in overseeing inspection and assessment
Independent Health Facilities (IHFs)
The Independent Health Facilities Act (IHFA) specifies
that facilities are considered Independent Health
Facilities if they perform insured services and bill for a
facility fee or if they have been identified as an IHF by
the Ministry of Health and Long-Term Care. Under the
IHFA, the College has specific responsibilities regarding
the regulation of IHFs. In particular, the College
develops the standards and tools for assessments and
conducts assessments of IHFs.
Currently, there are approximately 1,020 IHFs
Annual Report 2015 15