Annual Report 2015 Annual Report | Page 20

Membership Total membership remains near the all-time high despite a slight drop due to changes in the health care market that resulted in a reduction in the number of HealthChoice members. In 2015, the association ended the year with 7,804 members, fueled by strong advocacy efforts, ongoing product offerings like our HealthChoice health plan and exciting new offerings, including My Future 401(k) and eShipGate, which provides high-volume shipping discounts to small businesses. Organization membership by number of employees 4 5 63% 4% 1-10 Employees 101-250 Employees 16% 2% 11-25 Employees 251-500 Employees 8% 1% 501-2500 Employees 5% 1% 51-100 Employees 2500 + Employees 2% 7% Ag Forestry Chambers & Associations & Mining 4% 10% 1 8 26-50 Employees Membership by organization industry 21 63 16 7% 13% Banks, Insurances Construction & Real Estate 12% Trans, Utilities & Wholesale Retail Communications 28% Services 17% Manufacturing Financial The association’s financial health remains strong thanks to conscientious resource management and continued strong growth in new member dues. In 2015, total association income increased by 5% over the record 2014 income and was 14% over the 2015 projection. New member dues income increased by 12% over 2014 and non-dues income — which includes our Health Choice association health plan, CompWise retrospective rating program and seminar and event revenue — ended the year 4% below 2014 and 14% above budget. AWB is Washington state’s chamber of commerce and one of just four state chambers in the country to be “accredited with distinction” by the U.S. Chamber of Commerce.