Annual Report 2015-16 | Page 28

SUM M A RY O F I MPA C T NUMBER OF GRADUATES 341 • Advanced Culinary Arts STUDENT SKILL APPLICATION ABC 81 % • Computer Support Specialist of students report using skills learned at the school often to daily in their jobs of students report using skills learned at the school often to daily in their everyday lives Communicate more effectively in English • Culinary Arts Fundamentals • ESL 8 • GED & Plazas Comunitarias • Nurse Aide USA Become a citizen PERFORMANCE MANAGEMENT FRAMEWORK OUTCOMES 100 % Met 100% of charter contract goals Read More: GAINED EMPLOYMENT/ ENTERED POST SECONDARY 81 % STUDENT PROGRESS SCHOOL YEAR 2015-16 2/3 of students report the following: 15 % Went from being unemployed to being employed 7 % Went from working two part-time jobs to working one full-time job 11 % Went from working part-time to working full- time 19 % Got a raise or higher salary 20 % Got a job with better or more benefits Get a library card 25 % Got a better work schedule 28 % Got a better job or a promotion Help my child with homework RETAINED EMPLOYMENT/ POST SECONDARY 86 % Get a promotion 29 92 Here are just a few examples of student goals for the 2015-16 school year • Citizenship % 28 GOALS