Achievements and performance
Support and Care
In 2015–16 we spent £25.3m supporting people with
deafness, tinnitus and hearing loss.
Information and local services
More than 11 million people in the UK have hearing loss. Our knowledge, skills and
experience means we can provide the right support, from providing up-to-date information
to face-to-face help and advice, when and where it is needed.
Our impact:
We supported more than 14,700 people across the UK through our Information Line.
We answered 16,917 calls and responded to 8,624 emails.
“I can’t say enough how great it was to find you. It makes me feel we’re not facing
this alone.”
Our Hear to Help hearing aid services gave life-changing help to over 33,000 people
at drop-in clinics – or in their own homes. Staff and committed volunteers change
batteries, perform repairs or simply spend time with people. It’s a truly local service,
enabling so many to manage their hearing loss more effectively.
“It is more convenient to use the service at the local library. Being 90 years old, with
arthritis, they help with the things my hands can’t do; including changing batteries and
tubes and giving advice. This means I can wear my hearing aids all the time. Thank you
for your help.”
When several of these services in
Wales and Scotland were under threat,
volunteers and the people who use
them mounted concerted campaigns
to save them. We’ve made a video of
Andrew, who tells us why saving his
Hear to Help service in Powys, Wales,
means so much. He can continue to get
the best from his hearing aids – above
all, he can hear his children.