Annual Report 2014 | Page 10

SECTION II THIS SECTION PRESENTS THE LIST OF LARGE SCALE SPONSORED PROJECTS OF OzU. SymNet: Industrial Symbiosis Network for Environment Protection and Sustainable Development in Black Sea Basin SymNet is a 265.816 EUR consortium grant for 2 years. It aims to establish an industrial symbiosis system, minimize environmental degradation by taking into account the effects of climate change while maximizing economic cooperation and sustainable development in the Black Sea Basin. It is a consortium project with partners from Bulgarian Academy of Sciences, CEEE-Özyeğin University, Romanian National Institute for Marine Research and Development, Academy of Science of Moldova, Istanbul’s EU Pioneers Association. (OzU Coordinator: Dr. Pınar Gökçin Özuyar, Sponsor: EU-Black Sea 2007-2013 Joint Operational Programme) BRICKER: Total Renovation Strategies for Energy Reduction in Public Building Stock Bricker is a 443.680 EUR grant to develop a retrofitting solution package aiming at deep energy efficient renovation of existing public-owned non-residential buildings and to demonstrate such a solution in three European buildings with different use, located in three different countries in 3 different climatic areas, achieving a high impact in all of them. It is expected that at least 50% reduction in energy consumptions will be obtained compared to the values before the BRICKER renovation. The demo site in Turkey will be selected as a public building in the Aegean Region. The duration of this grant is 4 years and the project partners are: Acciona Infrastructures S.A., Spain; Fundation Cartif, Spain; Centro de Estudios de Materiales y Control de Obra S.A., Spain; Accademia Europea per la Ricerca Applicata ed il Perfezionamento Professionale Bolzano, Italy; Foundazione Bruno Kessler, Italy; Consejeria de Agricultura, Desarrollo Rural, Medio Ambiente y Energia, Spain; Greencom Development SCRL, Belgium; Onur İnş. Yaz. Bil. Enerji Rec. Yap. Mlz. Lab. Müh. San. Tic. Ltd. Şti., Turkey; Özyeğin University, Turkey; Purinova Sp Z.O.O., Poland; Steinbeis Innovation Gmbh, Germany; Laterizi Gambettola SRL (Soltigua), Italy; S.P.B. Service Provincial des Batiments, Belgium; Fundacion Tecnalia Research and Innovation, Spain; Universite de Liege, Belgium;, Belgium; Expander Tech S.L., Spain. (OzU Coordinator: Prof. Dr. Pınar Mengüç, Sponsor: EU FP7 Cooperation) Istanbul Financial Risk Management Laboratory Istanbul Development Agency (ISTKA) awarded OzU to build the necessary infrastructure for high potential financial products and services that will transform Istanbul into an international financial center. İstanbul Financial Risk Management Laboratory not only seeks to build the necessary data platform, simulation and risk management infrastructure required for derivatives, energy and carbon emission markets but also endeavors to develop pricing and risk management applications in the pursuit of ensuring a more effective use of debt instruments employed by the public and private sectors as well as local governments. The total funding received for this project is 739.000.00 TL. (OzU Coordinator: Assist. Prof. Dr. Emrah Şener, Sponsor: ISTKA) 6 OzU TTO - Annual Report 2013