President’s Message
Dr. Marc Gabel,
President 2014
s I look back on 2014, it becomes clear how professionalism was at the cornerstone of all our major decisions;
we put patient well-being and public interest firmly at
the heart of all pursuits.
For example, our Physicians’ Relationship with Industry policy advanced the theme of professionalism. It recognized that interactions
with industry have long been a part of our professional lives, and
while they have value and benefit, they are not without peril. First
and foremost, the policy made clear that the relationship we have
with industry is a business relationship. Although it is a relationship
that may contribute to the provision of the best possible care for our
patients, we can’t lose sight of the fact that we will not always share
the same goals as commercial enterprises. Our primary relationship
is with our patients, and that is the relationship that we need to
protect and nurture.
We put patient
well-being and
public interest
firmly at the heart
of all pursuits
Annual Report 2014