Our Vision
Quality Professionals, Healthy System, Public Trust
Our vision is the framework by which we organize
It guides our thinking and actions into the future. It defines not
only who we are, but what we stand for, the role we see for ourselves, our critical relationships, in what system we work, and the
outcomes we seek.
Each component of our vision is defined below:
Our Mandate
Quality Professionals
Build and maintain an
effective system of selfgovernance.
As a profession and as professionals, we recognize and acknowledge
our role and responsibility in attaining at a personal, professional,
and at a system-level, the best possible patient outcomes.
The profession, through and
with the College, has a duty
to serve and protect the
public interest by regulating
the practice of the profession
and governing in accordance
with the Regulated Health
Professions Act.
We are committed to developing and maintaining professional competencies, taking a leadership position on critical issues that impact
the performance of the system, and actively partnering to provide
tools, resources and measurement to ensure optimal performance at
all levels of the system.