Top 5 Policies Visited On The Website
Medical Records
Accepting New Patients
Confidentiality of Personal Health Information
Mandatory and Permissive Reporting
Consent to Medical Treatment
2014 Website Statistics
+ 2.1 million unique visitors
+ 8 million visits
+ 46.7 million page views
Sharing Information Through Social Media
Social media tools (namely, Facebook and Twitter) are now used
routinely to promote policy consultations to help us reach a broader
audience. We continue to use our social media tools to provide help
in real time to doctors, members of the public, and organizations
who are looking for information or assistance. Members of the
public and the profession are also encouraged to use Facebook and
Twitter to ask questions about various aspects of the College, including how to file a complaint, become a Peer Assessor or find information on policies.
Government Engagement
As regulator and public protector, the College works with government decision-makers to inform policy development and legislative
changes. College authority is set out in provincial legislation and the
College makes submissions concerning legislation and regulations to
ensure patient protection and the currency and effectiveness of our
governing legislation. We also respond to legislation that has implications for medical regulation and patient protection, and are active
participants in the legislative process.
The College closely followed and made submissions on a number
of legislative initiatives in 2014. Of greatest interest to the College
was Bill 21, Safeguarding Health Care Integrity Act, 2014. This Bill
responded to four of the highest priority legislative change requests
that the College has made in recent years. These included better
information sharing with public health and hospitals, enhanced
mandatory reporting to health colleges, and the ability to focus college investigations on serious complaints (discretion). The College
made a sustained effort to further improve the changes laid out in
Bill 21. Further amendments to the mandatory reporting sections of
the Bill were passed.
On The Horizon
• We are putting in place
recommendations to
improve the accessibility and intuitiveness of our
• Throughout 2015, we will
continue to develop more
educational modules on
professionalism topics for
Annual Report 2014 31