• Planning commenced for a major research project ‘Section 60I certificates: When, why and
what are the outcomes for families’ together with the University of Canberra and the Australian
National University.
Priority 2
Attract, nurture, and grow a skilled, diverse and sustainable workforce
• Organisational leadership is supported to ensure a high performing and engaged
organisation. To be a workplace of choice.
• Workforce development programs support organisational capabilities and employee
engagement. Workplace diversity is celebrated and supported.
Delivered in 2014-15:
• Development of the Quality Staffing Framework to support staff to develop skills and to be
supported through mentoring, supervision and professional development to ensure the
delivery of quality services.
• Audit of existing staff qualifications to ensure that all staff meet the minimum requirements
of their positions. Research commenced into opportunities for qualifications and training for
relevant staff.
• Management Development Program introduced to support the development of leadership and
management skills that will support the future of the organisation.
• Staff Cultural Survey undertaken in partnership with Macquarie University’s Voice Project.
Survey results informed organisational and regional plans to improve on the areas for
• Development of the Aboriginal & Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy and the
Reconciliation Action Plan (RAP) 2015-17, to support the Council of Australian Government’s
agenda of increasing Indigenous employment and reducing levels of disadvantage amongst
Indigenous Australians. Both the Employment Strategy and RAP will be launched in 2015-16.