Chairperson’s , Message
It is a privilege to present this report to our
members on the 2014-15 financial year on
behalf of your Board.
In 2014 Interrelate set the foundations
with a new organisational structure and a
strengthened Executive. In 2015 we built on
this foundation with a refreshed Strategic Plan.
This Strategic Plan focuses the organisation’s
leadership on: Our Services, Staff, Funding,
Relationships and Responsibilities.
Our services continue to grow. The early
intervention Family Mental Health Support
Service (Connect) started in Wyong in 2014
and has now expanded to Bourke, Cobar and
Coonamble in the Far West; and to Kempsey,
Nambucca and Coffs Harbour in the state’s
north. Connect assists when the mental health
and wellbeing of young people are at risk.
Our plans are to nurture staff and to support
them with quality systems and leadership
development. Staff Reference Groups continue
to provide expertise and promote the free flow
of ideas and communication. The Board thanks
all staff, for enabling clients to strengthen their
relationships and work though life’s challenges.
Our plans include both the growth of existing
and new sources of funding. We plan to grow
the Schools Services programs and to increase
the number of students that Interrelate reaches.
The 2015 School Services Anti-Bullying Poster
Competition attracted entries from over 5000
children and it led to our CEO being interviewed
on national television and drew praise from
His Excellency General The Honourable
David Hurley AS DSC (Ret’d) Governor of New
South Wales. More importantly, it started
conversations in schools all over NSW, about
how adults can better support children and
create bullying-free school environments.
Our relationships include many community
partners for our service delivery. Strong
community relationships are essential for
Interrelate to be effective.
Our responsibility is to achieve the most that
we can towards Interrelate’s purpose, with
the available resources and in a way that is
respectful of environmental impacts.
Our CEO, Patricia Occelli, continues to set
a relentless pace for herself, the Executive
and the whole leadership team in pursuit of
the Strategic Plan. On behalf of the Board, I