New Brand
After extensive staff consultation, a new brand was developed to better reflect Interrelate’s history,
values and objectives. The new brand was developed internally and was officially launched at the
Staff Conference in November, to overwhelming support. Over the remainder of the year, the new
brand was rolled out in staged process across printed and digital media, with rebranded signage to
follow in 2015-16, once trademark of the logo has been approved.
The letters ‘I’ and ‘r’ of the new brand are discreetly and deliberately intertwined together to create
a human figure or two human figures embracing. The first letter ‘I’ and the word ‘relate’ have been
deliberately colour coded to emphasise the ‘I relate’ concept, creating a subconscious connection
between the target audience and Interrelate. The ‘I relate’ concept will be used across our marketing
to normalise the issues people face, letting them know that they are not alone and making them feel
comfortable in approaching our organisation because we can relate to what they are experiencing.
The letter ‘I’ not only symbolically represents the ‘I’ in Interrelate but also ‘I’ for improvement. The
letter ‘r’ completing the human form represents relationship. The message is reflective of the wellknown quote “Improvement begins with I” (the individual). This holds true for relationships in any