A Young Person’s Story
A 17 year old boy had disengaged from school and subsequently missed assessment for specialised
after school support. The family received short-term support from Wyong and were referred to
clinical services. The young person was assisted to access Ageing, Disability and Home Care funding,
which resulted in him being awarded a two-year package for the Post School Transition to Work
Program. His mother commented:
You helped my son get up and do something
for himself which he has always struggled
with due to his anxiety. Now he has friends
and is going to a course five days a week.
Post Separation Parenting
This year, we assisted 1,220 clients through our Post-Separation Co-operative Parenting and
Parenting Orders Program, also known as Building Stronger Families. This program is for parents
and other carers of children in separated families who are having significant problems agreeing on
arrangements for the children. They may be in conflict over the big questions such as who the child
should live with, or how often a child should see one of their parents. Parents can participate in the
program separately, so they don’t have to meet.
Parents accessing this program can self-refer, be encouraged by a solicitor to attend or be ordered
to attend by the court.
School Services
Interrelate’s foundation was based in providing education programs on sexuality and relationships.
Today, our School Services programs on puberty, sexuality, relationships and bullying continue to
remain popular. This year, we delivered these programs to 40,800 students and families. We also sold
6,073 copies of our ‘Questions Kids Have’ series of books, which cover topics on sexuality, puberty,
relationships, having babies and bullying.