Work Health & Safety Star Award
This award is presented each quarter to a region or team who are shown to be championing a
positive work health and safety culture within their workplace. This year, the following teams were
Quarter 1
Dubbo office for:
• no reported Hazards, Incidents or Accidents since May 2014
• the WHS Committee member being productive and efficient in inducting all new staff and
providing valuable feedback for improvements to the WHS Induction
Quarter 2
Orange office for:
• appropriate reporting of all Hazards, Incidents and Accidents
• identifying hazards as a priority
• implementing corrective actions promptly after Hazards, Incidents or Accidents are identified.
Quarter 3
Coffs Harbour office for:
• a dedicated WHS Committee member who actively consults with People, Culture &
Performance to ensure policies and procedures are followed
• implementing corrective actions diligently and following up
• making WHS a regular agenda item at team meetings and discussing incidents and corrective
• consultation with Area Manager and Line Managers in WHS matters.
Quarter 4
Lismore office for:
• returning all Outreach audits within time frames (considering a high volume)
• inducting all new staff within their first week of employment
• discussing WHS matters at team meetings
• responding to PC&P requests in a timely manner
• being proactive in regards to signage to promote WHS and coming up with innovative ideas to
promote this within all regions.