During 2014-15, significant progress was made against this work plan. Key outcomes achieved
Aboriginal engagement and services
• Development of the Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islander Employment Strategy.
• Use of Staff Reference Groups to support staff involvement, consultation and ownership
of the S2S project.
• Review of communication channels for management and staff.
• Review and development of communication and sharing mechanisms across regions to
improve practice.
• Increased access for staff to the Executive, through regional visits and joint projects.
Complaints and grievances
• Review of complaints and grievance process and policy, to ensure appropriate grievance
and complaint management for all areas including Board, CEO, Executive, management
and staff.
• Staff engagement and consultation in defining and describing appropriate workplace
• Values and code of conduct training provided to all staff.
• Training to all staff on bullying harassment and discrimination.
• Training on how to build and maximise positive workplace relationships for all staff.
Informa tion technology
• Regional champions to support local staff in IT and our client management system were
recruited and trained to ensure improved access to training and support in these areas.
• A series of training webinars for all staff were launched to improve skill and confidence in
use of IT. The webinar content was developed based on staff surveys.