Work Health & Safety ( WHS) Consultative Committee
The WHS Consultative Committee encourages a proactive and co-operative approach to WHS
between management and staff. The Committee, elected by employees, meets once a quarter via
teleconference to discuss issues relating to WHS. They provide advice on these issues to management
and also assist in developing and implementing WHS policies and procedures. The Committee acts
on any concerns raised by staff and investigates risks to health and safety.
The Committee members personally induct all new staff in their regions in WHS. They conduct
proactive audits of all permanent and regular outreach sites annually, to identify and control risks.
This year, the Audit tool was reviewed and enhanced to better suit the needs of the organisation. The
Committee members are active in vehicle checks and reports, incident reports, corrective actions
and first aid supply monitoring. They also coordinate the Emergency Wardens and First Aid Officers
and monitor or organise fire equipment and evacuation/lockdown drills. This year, Evacuation Plans
were updated and Personal Emergency Evacuation Plans were introduced.
The WHS Consultative Committee encourages
a proactive and co-operative approach to WHS
between management and staff