former CEO, Skype; and Leena Munter, CEO, ManpowerGroup Nordic/Baltic. The group also
used the opportunity to discuss best practices on a variety of topics such as communications
strategy, regional cooperation, membership retention, young professional programs and
advocacy initiatives.
During regional breakout sessions, Ms. Osmanli solidified a deeper cooperation concept
with her peers from AmCham Albania, Kosovo, Montenegro and Serbia.
AmCham Annual Summer Training in Slovenia
This year’s Central and South-East European AmCham summer training was organized
and hosted by AmCham Slovenia. Representatives from 9 national AmChams spent three
days exchanging their experience on a number of administrative and strategic questions
faced by all. The group also identified new ways to cooperate going forward. Specific topics
covered at this event were change Management, presenting the value of AmCham from
members’ perspective and the use of social media to further the AmCham mission.