American Chamber of Commerce in Macedonia
AmCham Macedonia communicates with its members and the world via 3 primary communication media: its website (, Emerging Macedonia magazine and its weekly
e-newsletter. During 2013, all of these communications were consistently and professionally
delivered on time, maintaining a key membership value, as detailed below:
Communication trends 2013
~60 media mentions throughout the year
Magazine readership
4000 hard copies distributed
1330 online views so far
Total unique visits: 3,799
Avg site pages visited: 2.3
AmCham Facebook page
New page likes: 203 (60% increase over 2012)
An average of 4 people engaged with our page per day
Emerging Macedonia is the official publication of AmCham Macedonia. It is distributed
free of charge throughout all AmCham members, affiliated companies, NGOs, government
and governmental organizations, VIPs, economic, political and diplomatic authorities,
foreign companies, major hotels, organizations and all embassies in Macedonia as well
as the sister chambers of commerce in Europe and the headquarters of the American
Chamber of Commerce in Washington. This publication provides extensive information
on organization’s members, activities, and the overall business climate in Macedonia.
Each issue of the magazine provides coverage of AmCham related topics
as well as exclusive interviews and articles on issues of great
importance to the Macedonian business community.