Letters from the Board Chair and President & Founder
Dear Friends,
My Dear Friends,
This school year has been marked by reflections on
accomplishments of the Carlos Rosario School and
enthusiastic thoughts about what lies ahead. As Board
Chair of the School, I remain inspired by the standard of
excellence upheld by school leaders and the steadfast
determination exhibited by the students from around the
I have been blessed over the past four decades to serve
the immigrant community in Washington, DC. As always, we
at the Carlos Rosario School remain dedicated in our pursuit
of excellence and continue to be inspired by our hardworking
and passionate students.
Beyond fiduciary duties, the Board continues to invest
deeply in the mission of the School and in the lives of the
students. Board members held workshops for students on
topics such as health, the IT industry and the U.S. Congress
bringing their professional expertise into the classroom.
Board members proudly came out to support students,
faculty, and staff at important school community events
such as the cultural festivals and the school graduation.
The Carlos Rosario School would not be what it is today
without the vision and leadership of School President
and Founder Sonia Gutierrez. This year marks her 40th
anniversary of service to the immigrant community. On
September 20th we are proud to host a gala event in honor
of her four decades of inspirational work.
The successes of the school are also the successes of
school supporters and friends. The school could not continue
to provide the high quality programming it does without
strong community ties.
Alberto Gomez
Chairman of the Board of Trustees
This year we have celebrated many successes for our