Student Government Overview
The Student Government Association (SGA) at the Carlos Rosario School represents the student body within and
outside of the School while enabling students to practice leadership skills and participate in the larger community.
During the 2010-2011 school year, each class elected one SGA representative per semester.
Under the guidance of Supportive Services Department staff, this group of student leaders stood out as a visible
and active force in the school. They hosted food and toy drives, organized a mini-walk for the homeless to benefit
L’Arche, volunteered at various local organizations, served as school spokespersons when external audiences visit
the School, participated in NCLR National Advocacy Days, and much more.
Leadership Program Overview
This year, the SGA had a strong and active leadership program comprised of student government representatives
nominated by fellow SGA students. This select group of student leaders facilitated SGA meetings, coordinated
school-wide events, and represented their classmates at important community events.