B. School Program
n its 40 years as an institution
in DC, the Carlos Rosario
International School has served
over 60,000 students and has
won numerous awards for its
programs, including recognition
by the U.S. Department of
Education and by the National
School Board Association for
excellence in adult education.
International Public Charter
School was chartered by the DC
Public Charter School Board in
1998 and earned accreditation
in 2005 through the Middle
States Association of Colleges
and Schools.
he School’s unique holistic
approach is comprised of
three components:
Disabilities and Students Who determines the skills young
Are Limited or Non-English people need to succeed in
the world of work. The ESL
ver a period of 40 years, the with the CASAS Life Skill
Carlos Rosario curriculum Competencies and encompasses
has been conscientiously created Adult Basic Education (ABE)
to ensure that intensive language performance-based objectives in
and life skills instruction is English language acquisition.
driven by student needs. To
he school’s curriculum was
assess whether Carlos Rosario is
developed by faculty memmeeting these needs, throughout
the year students participate bers and academic administrain focus groups that help tors who hold master’s and docdetermine what, if any, changes toral degrees in teaching English
need to be made to the existing as a Second Language, education,
curriculum, and also participate curriculum and instruction, and
in a crucial, school-wide goal- other related fields. They have
setting activit 丁Q