Annual Report 2009-10 | Page 50

2. Student-related academic issues identified and program changes to be undertaken or under consideration. dents who take the test over a its School Improvement, two-day period rather than takCorrective Action or Reing all five sections in one day, structuring Plan? and 3) considering raising the Not applicable. bar on practice test scores required prior to a student being he GED program has seen referred to take the official GED D. Reporting Performance marked improvement in stu- test. Management Framework dent grade level advancement over the past four years as a re- 3. What program changes or Information to Students, improvements will be taken Teachers, Parents and the sult of a number of initiatives or are under consideration including targeted professional Public. as a result of the most development; identification of recent Program Developbetter materials such as texthe Carlos Rosario Internament Review findings? books in math, science and sotional Public Charter School cial studies; implementation of will disseminate information chool leadership continues to online resources such as Plazas explore adult education best on performance outcomes on Comunitarias,, and practices in the areas of authen- the PMF via the mass publicaSpark3000; increased differention of an Annual Report. The tiation of instruction facilitated tic assessments and cohort planAnnual Report will be dissemiby teacher training and informa- ning. A study circle of faculty nated widely both in hard copy tion technology resources; and will be working with an expert in the field of authentic assess- and electronically via a link on implementing a more stud