A. Evidence of Performance and Progress
1. Provide a summary of the Performance Management Measures
he Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School developed a Performance Management
Framework (PMF) in accordance with the guidelines provided by the DCPCSB. The PMF consists
of the following five major academic indicators: Student Progress, Student Achievement, Gateway,
Leading Indicators and Mission Specific Goals. The Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School
followed the Adult and G.E.D. framework, which is a non-standard school framework. The following
narrative with performance data summarizes the school’s performance on each of the five academic
a. Student Academic Performance:
Student Progress
his performance indicator provides data on student performance on a test called Supera Test:
Evaluaciones Essenciales. This is a standardized assessment administered to beginning Spanish GED
students categorized by our school as Spanish GED 100 and 200 students. This measure reports on the
percentage of students making one grade level progress in language arts by the end of the school year.
This year, 64% (23 of 36) of such students made one grade level progress in language arts.
Student Achievement
his performance indicator provides data on student performance on the Test of English Language
Achievement for Adult Learners (TEAAL). For the purposes of the PMF, the performance of
students in ESL Level 2 and ESL Level 6 is reported each semester. The performance rate of these
students is aggregated for both levels for fall and spring. A target cut score of 70 is the standard by
which achievement is measured. This year, 74% (537 of 726) of the students achieved the target cut
score of 70.
his indicator provides data on student performance on the Official GED test (Spanish version). This
standardized assessment is administered externally at the University of the District of Columbia’s
(UDC) Testing Center. To pass the GED test, students are required to pass all five portions of the
test with a minimum of 410 for any section. Additionally, in order to pass the GED test, a composite
average score of 450 must be attained when averaging all the test sections. As per District of Columbia
regulations, GED students who pass the official GED practice test are eligible to be referred for official
GED testing at UDC. This year, 63% (36 of 57) of Spanish GED students referred to UDC for official
GED testing passed and earned their high school diploma.
Leading Indicators
he average daily membership was 1,646 students. The average daily attendance during the 20092010 school year was 84.4%.
Mission Specific Goals
wo separate performance measures were developed for the Mission Specific Goals component of
the framework. The first measure revolves around an aspect of the school’s mission, which is to
develop productive citizens that give back to the community. A hallmark of productivity for adults is
having the life skills necessary for navigating the world of work and the larger world as they conduct
their affairs such as banking, commerce and accessing health care. Thus, the school uses the CASAS
test to measure students’ knowledge, skills, and abilities in the realm of life skills. The CASAS test is a
standardized reading assessment for adult ESL students. For the purposes of the PMF, the performance
of students in ESL Level 1 and ESL Level 4 are reported on a year-long basis. The performance rate of
these students on this test is tracked for fall and spring. A target cut score of 200 for ESL Level 1 and