3. Trainings (Workshops, Retreats, Facilitated Work Sessions, Conferences)
he following Board Members attended
workshops and conferences this year:
Mrs. Jane Garcia, Mr. Brahim Rawi, and Ms. Sonia
Gutierrez (along with COO Candy Hernandez,
Workforce Manager Aracelly Watts, and
Supportive Services Assistant Maria Veliz)
attended the National Council of LaRaza
conference in Chicago, Illinois.
Board Meetings/Facilitated Work Sessions
NCLR Conference
he following Board meetings/work sessions were held during the 2009-2010 school year:
Monday, November 2, 2009
Monday, January 11, 2010
Monday, March 15, 2010
The meeting scheduled for June 5 was postponed because of too many activities including the Gala,
and it was held on August 30, 2010.
Annual Board Retreat
n July 2010, the Board of Trustees held its Annual Board Retreat in Annapolis, Maryland. The new
Board Chair, Alberto Gomez, presided. During the retreat, the Board members viewed several Power
Point Presentations that highlighted the year’s many administrative and academic successes. Also
featured were photos of the May 18, 2010 Gala celebrating the school’s 40 years of accomplishments.
The Gala raised $85,000 as a result of the entire school’s fundraising efforts, including a silent auction
that was supported by the school’s website.
his past year the Board focused on fundraising as the expenses for the building are high, and we are
also expanding the third floor as the demand for the school grows everyday. In response to this
need, school supporters have established a foundation that will help defray the many expenses dealing
with the building and the expansion. At the retreat Gustavo Velasquez was introduced as Chair of the
newly created Carlos Rosario Educational Foundation, and Robert Chiappetta, Manager of Government and Industry Affairs at Toyota, was introduced as a Foundation Board member and appointed
Treasurer. A joint strategic planning session of the Boards of the School and the Foundation took
place under the guidance of facilitator Monica Palacio.
lberto Gomez also discussed with the Board his vision for Board members’ involvement for SY
2010-2011 including participating on the school’s accreditation team; volunteering in the classrooms; visiting classrooms as a guest speaker; attending special events such as the Thanksgiving turkey basket raffle; attending board trainings; and donating to the school’s scholarship fund.
Annual Board Retreat
Carlos Rosario International Public Charter School, Annual Report 2009-2010