foods were available to the entire student body.
Scholarship Recipient
Tenant’s Rights Information
Tables: The Legal Aid Society
provided a series of six
tenant’s rights information
tables throughout the school
year. Their attorney provided
information about tenant’s
rights to all interested students
appointments with students in
need of legal assistance.
HIV Testing: La Clinica del
Pueblo, the African Community
Center, and Andromeda provided
a series of four free HIV testing
dates throughout the school
year. These partners provided
students with critical, life-saving
information, and distributed
more than 2,500 HIV/AIDS
prevention packets. Throughout
the school year, 248 students
were tested.
Fifteen extracurricular activities
were offered to the student body.
Highlights included: Computer
for Beginners in Amharic,
Computer for Beginners in
Spanish, Photography, Voice
Lessons, Making the School
Magazine, Yoga, French, Reading
and Movies, Computer Club, and
Piano Lessons.
Yoga Class
Scholarship Recipie