F. Finance
1. A copy of the school’s approved budget for the Fiscal Year 2007-2008
Please see Appendix C for the 2007-2008 budget. The annual audit will be submitted to the District of
Columbia Public Charter School Board by November 1, 2008, as required.
2. A list of all donors and grantors that have contributed money or in-kind donations having a
value equal to or exceeding $500 during the year reported:
• Julio Haddock: 509 H Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024 - $500 scholarship
• Hector Torres: 509 H Street, SW, Washington, DC 20024 - $500 – 2 - $250 scholarships
• Tempo Bookstore: 4905 Wisconsin Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20016 - $1,965 scholarship
• Sherrie Mckenna: 3823 Cathedral Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20016 - Joanna Gray & Perry
Wayne Hitchcock Scholarship - $2,000 scholarship
• Arent Fox: 1050 Connecticut Avenue, NW, Washington, DC 20036 – $8,507.30 Pro-bono legal services
• University of The District of Columbia, State Education Agency, SEA: 4200 Connecticut Avenue, NW,
Washington, DC 20008: $15,740.25 - 15 Dell Desktop Computers
Fiscal Management
Accounting Policies: Carlos Rosario has established accounting policies and procedures as outlined in its
Accounting Policy and Procedure Handbook and further adheres to the DC Public Charter School Board’s
requirements and guidelines as outlined in its Fiscal Policy Handbook. The school performs its annual
financial audit by auditors approved by the PCSB and produces financial statements according to GAAP.
Carlos Rosario uses the accrual basis of accounting and adheres to the PCSB’s reporting deadlines.
Financial Reporting: Carlos Rosario complies with assigned due dates related to submission of its
annual audited financial statements, annual budgets, and interim financial reports, which are presented
quarterly. The school’s annual budget is reviewed and approved by the Board of Trustees and its financial
statements are disclosed and presented to the Board of Trustees at their regular meetings.
Internal Controls: Carlos Rosario has clearly documented internal controls which are outlined in the
Accounting Policy and Procedure Handbook. These controls help to properly safeguard assets and
comply with state and federal laws. Internal controls allow for segregation of duties, adherence to
established guidelines, as well as the implementation of fair business practices. Financials are produced
and reviewed for accuracy.
Transparency of Financial Management: Carlos Rosario maintains a high level of integrity and
transparency in regard to its use of public funds. The school’s annual budget is reviewed and approved by
the Board of Trustees and its financial statements are disclosed and presented to the Board of Trustees
at their regular meetings. Carlos Rosario identifies and fully discloses all related party transactions as
required by the PCSB.
Fiscal Prudence: Carlos Rosario is very conservative and thoughtful in its preparation of its annual
balanced budget and makes responsible and sound decisions as it pertains to spending, investments,
dept management and other financial decisions. Carlos Rosario and its Board of Trustees are 100%
committed to “safeguarding the public’s confidence and the integrity of the school’s activities”.