Annual Grant Report 2021 | Page 13

P a ge 13
A n n ua l Report 2021 Y ear in Review
V olume 1 , I s s u e 1
The Trans Canada Trail in Manitoba
The Trans Canada Trail connects Canadians to nature and to one another . The Trans Canada Trail is a national legacy , a Canadian asset , and a sustainable gift that fosters unity , collaboration and connectedness .
The Trans Canada Trail is represented by provincial and territorial organizations across the country . These organizations work at the regional and local levels to ensure the Trail is planned and built according to the needs and desires of local communities .
Trails Manitoba is the provincial governing body responsible for the Trans Canada Trail in Manitoba .
Eco Counters
An eco-counter is installed along the Centennial Trail / Blue Highway trail to help gauge usage , popular dates & times , as well as mode of passage . This counter has been in place since May , 2020 .
“ Bike and pedestrian count data is an essential tool to justify investments , capture seasonal trends , plan future pedestrian and cycling infrastructure , communicate with stakeholders and the public , and much more .”
Period : May 14 , 2020 - March 31 , 2022 ( both table & graphs ):
Direction Total Daily Avg . Peak Count
* All graphs depict trail traffic at our CT / Blue Hwy site .
Both 12480 19 326 In 10951 16 311
Out 1529 2 72